Fun Facts About Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a byproduct formed during the processing of corn via wet milling.  It is traditionally used for animal feed but can also prove helpful for other purposes. The product is a natural herbicide for lawn and garden use. Because the meal is 10 percent nitrogen by weight, it also is a good fertilizer.

Corn gluten meal is effective at controlling crabgrass, dandelions, foxtail, lambsquarters, purslane and other unwanted plants. This natural herbicide product is available in unprocessed, granulated and pelletized forms. These have different uses and application techniques.

Corn gluten meal is commonly used in organic gardening. It provides an option for those who want to slow or stop weed growth without using toxic substances in their gardens. It also adds nutrients to the soil, which may help to encourage the growth of desirable plants.

This corn byproduct is high in protein and has a powdery consistency. It may be used as a supplementary source of protein for animals, including cats and dogs. Unfortunately, however, there have been reports of allergy development in some cats and dogs that consume it for a long period of time. As such, corn meal gluten is commonly referred to as a weed-and-feed garden aid. Interestingly, corn gluten meal may also prove helpful as a home remedy for the treatment of toenail fungus.

If used in a pellet form, a person may also spread it by hand to add nutrients to the soil and prevent weed growth at the same time. A person may also use a spreader to distribute granulated corn gluten meal in his garden or mix it with water to create a paste useful for preventing weeds from sprouting while he waits for his plants to grow. An individual may spread the unprocessed powder throughout his garden by hand or via a hand seeder. In such a case, corn gluten meal is applied directly to the soil instead of on top of mulch.

Corn gluten meal is a byproduct of the milling procedure used to make corn syrup and corn starch. It also is used as food for farm animals and is included in pet food. What’s more, a person typically adds water to the corn gluten meal and allows it to sit for about an hour. An individual may then add warm water to this concoction and soak his feet in it for an hour or two. Though repeat applications may be necessary, some people claim this is an effective measure for toenail fungus.

Lily  is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Are Potato Skins Beneficial?

Potatoes are an edible, starchy crop and are available year round. They are vegetables that grow underground and thrive in cool, dark places. They provide most vitamins and minerals essential to good nutrition, with the exception of vitamin A and vitamin D. However, the skin offers the most nutrients and is a source of dietary fiber. A medium potato is a serving size–the equivalent of a fist.

Potatoes originated in the Andes Mountains of Peru and Bolivia. Spanish conquistadors became interested enough in them during their quests that they took some home to their land. The vegetable eventually became a standard on Spanish ships after they discovered that eating the vegetables prevented scurvy. Eating them at every meal has became a staple for many families, making them the number one vegetable crop worldwide. This food provides significant benefits to one’s health when eaten properly.

Although potatoes are a vegetable, they count as a serving of starch under the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Pyramid. One serving includes 26 g of carbohydrates, about 9 percent of the daily recommended value based on a 2,000-calorie diet. In addition, a serving consists of 2 g of dietary fiber and 1 g of sugar.

Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and contain 20 mg, or 33 percent of the daily value. In addition, 19 percent of the vitamin B6 daily amount is available in one serving. Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are also present in levels less than 10 percent. The Iron content of it is significant and equals 1.8 mg or 14 percent of the daily value.

Eating fresh potato can calm a queasy stomach. The potato skin contains vitamin B6, which is good for eliminating nausea. They are high in potassium, and foods rich in potassium tend to keep high blood pressure under control. Another added benefit to eating the vegetable is feeling fuller longer, helping keep weight under control. Their skins contain an anti-carcinogenic compound called chlorogenic acid. This particular acid helps the fiber in potatoes absorb carcinogens that are found in grilled foods.

It is important to remember when preparing potatoes to leave the skin intact. The skin contains all the vitamins and nutrients, whereas the inside is basically just starch. Boiling them in water will cause them to lose vital nutrients. If boiling is necessary when preparing them, it is essential to keep the water, reusing it for soups, to preserve the vitamins.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Jatropha Oil Applications

Jatropha curcas is a plant that originated in Central America, and is cultivated in tropical regions worldwide. Jatropha oil is made from the poisonous seeds, a bush that has been used for centuries in the Americas, Africa and Asia to make soap, candles and home remedies for constipation, high fevers and malaria, reports the BBC News website. It is sustainable, drought-resistant, requires limited processing, and is cleaner and less expensive than fossil fuels.

This Jatropha soap trade economically empowers the Tanzanian women who produce it. In Tanzania, rural artisans handcraft soap made with Jatropha oil, and sell it worldwide through Fair Trade retailers. Similar projects are underway in other tropical and subtropical regions of the developing world.

According to Dove Biotech, which conducted a case study on the ecological, social and economic impact of the “Jatropha System” in rural Africa, the impact of Jatropha soap production is positive in every case for which data are available.

Medicinal Uses
The bark of the jatropha tree contains tannins used as astringents. Latex, extracted from the bark, has antimicrobial properties against Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and E. coli. The latex is also an effective styptic for cuts and bruises because of its coagulation properties. The topical application of the root powder in paste form is also used externally as an anti-inflammatory.

In India, the government is committed to growing Jatropha plants for biofuel production. However, BBC News notes that “some see a danger that in a country where subsistence farming—growing food to eat—is still a widespread activity, Jatropha could replace much needed food crops, turning India into a monoculture.” Other countries including Southern China, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Singapore and the Philippines quickly followed suit.

Jatropha oil can serve as a biodiesel for converted diesel engines. It is much more economical than traditional diesel or gasoline. It was soon discovered, however, that while jatropha can grow in any soil, it needs fertile, well-irrigated soil in order to produce yields sufficient for large-scale use. In order to produce the oil of jatropha on an industrial scale, cultivation methods need to be improved.

Fertilizer and Insecticide
The pressed seed cake from the jatropha tree, which is the residue from the oil extraction, is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and contains more fertilizing nutrients than chicken or cattle manure. It also has insecticidal and molluscicidal properties, and can reduce the amount of nematodes in soil.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Sunflower Oil In Cooking & Cosmetics

Sunflower oil is a healthy choice for cooking and dressings when you’re looking for a light, mild taste. The oil is edible, economical and is being used in more products each and every day. People who want to use it in cooking should take care to purchase food grade products.

Pure sunflower oil is clear to pale gold in color. In cosmetics, it can be used as a carrier oil. Unrefined product reaches its smoking point at 440 degrees Fahrenheit (227 degrees Celsius), meaning that it cannot be used above these temperatures. If the oil is allowed to reach the smoking point, it can become rancid, developing a strong and unpleasant flavor. Like all oils, sunflower oil should be stored carefully. Refined oil can be heated to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (232 degrees Celsius), making it a generally better choice for cooking.

The original form of sunflower oil was linoleic product, which is prone to oxidation. High oleic oil is much more shelf-stable, and generally preferred. In addition to having a longer shelf life, high oleic sunflower oil is also high in vitamin E, and low in saturated fat, making it a healthier choice. Consumers can also choose between refined and unrefined oils, with refined oils being more stable, while unrefined oils have a stronger flavor. Ideally, it should be stored in a dark container under refrigeration. Cooks should avoid exposing containers of it to heat or moisture, as this can cause the oil to become rancid over time.

Beauty Products
Sunflower oil is easily absorbed by the skin and provides deep nourishment and moisturizing. For these reasons, it is a popular ingredient in over-the-counter and homemade beauty products including lotions, creams and massage oils. Used in aromatherapy, the oil incites feelings of harmony and peace of mind.

Medicinal Uses
Studies were conducted by researchers from the Johns Hopkins University between 1998 and 2003 in Bangladesh which suggest that the product can protect premature babies from bacterial infections when rubbed onto their skin several times daily.  Refined sunflower oil can also be applied to the face and neck to treat and prevent acne breakouts.

Sunflower oil is light in color, mild in taste, and low in saturated fats. It contains more of the antioxidant vitamin E than any other vegetable oil and is also high in vitamins A and D. The oil is able to withstand high temperatures and is thus a good choice when frying foods. It can be used in place of olive oil in salads and dressings.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Health Benefits of Strawberries

Most people recognize strawberries for their juicy, sweet taste. There are 20 different species of strawberries, and they were first grown in Europe. Surprisingly, strawberry plants are actually members of the rose family. However, they are more than just pleasing to the tastebuds. They are also good for you. Like other fruits, they pack a punch in terms of nutrients and antioxidants.

One of the top benefits of strawberries is their antioxidant and phytonutrient content, two substances that fight free radicals. In particular, the fruit contain phenol, a phytonutrient that is believed to protect cells and prevent organ system damage. They are rich in phenols, which may make them helpful in preventing cancer, protecting the heart, and reducing inflammation. Free radicals are bad for the body, as they damage cells. In fact, some people believe that free radicals also play a role in the development of cancer.

A key part of the health benefits is this fruit’s high water content. Like many nutritious fruits, strawberries are composed of more than 75 percent water.  This means that they help keep your skin hydrated, which leads to healthy, glowing skin. Hydration can also help you stay energized and satisfied throughout the day.  Another health benefit is that by eating this fruit, you feel fuller on a smaller amount of calories than foods with less water content. Strawberries, therefore, are an excellent food for losing weight or maintaining your current weight.

The eyes may experience the benefits of the fruits as well. Many people are familiar with carrots as an eye-healthy food choice, but strawberries are good for the eyes too. In fact, eating at least three servings of fruit each day has been linked to the decreased risk of macular degeneration that is related to age. This particular vision problem, called age-related macular degeneration, is actually a top cause of sight loss.

People can also gain health benefits from the high amount of folate in canned strawberry. Research shows that folate is an important nutrient for developing and maintaining strong, healthy bones and teeth. Strawberries can also boost your mood, another healthy benefit to eating this fruit. Folate is a B vitamin that contributes to strong, healthy hair and vibrant skin. Doctors recommend that pregnant women increase their folate intake during gestation, so they are an excellent food choice. Folate can help prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, they are full of potent antioxidants, vitamin C and anthocyanins, which can help with arthritis and other joint-related diseases or pain.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Health Benefits of Ginger Powder

Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Now, science is catching up and researchers around the world are finding that ginger works wonders in the treatment of everything from cancer to migraines. To get the health benefits of ginger power, it can easily be added to food. Asian dishes and sauces are commonly flavored with the root.

Ancient Romans imported ginger from India until the Roman Empire fell and the use of the spice declined. The exportation of the spice later came under the control of Arabs, and the cost of ginger was considered quite high. As more countries began cultivating the herb, its cost came down and it became readily available in most grocery stores.

Gingerols in ginger give the spice its potent flavor. Zingibain, another enzyme in ginger, breaks down proteins and contains anti-bacterial properties that might help calm fever, clear sinuses and break up congestion. The oil calms stomach spasms by neutralizing acids and increasing enzymes in the digestive tract. Pregnant woman often use ginger in tea to combat morning sickness.

Often called ginger root, ginger actually comes from the stem of the plant that grows underground. Used in cooking, the flavor of ginger complements the taste of garlic. Fresh ginger is preferable for health benefits because it contains four oils that give it its distinct flavor. Powdered ginger can be boiled with water to make a tea, with honey used as a sweetener.

Some proponents say powdered ginger stimulates blood circulation, which helps the muscles relax and prevents blood clots from forming. Studies in animals show that ginger powder slowed the growth of cancerous tumors and reduced the amount of kidney damage caused by diabetes. In laboratory tests, exposing ovarian cancer cells to ginger formulas caused the cells to die. Antioxidants in the herb may fight other diseases as well, and might lower the level of cholesterol that clogs arteries.

Ginger powder breaks down fats and proteins in food to allow easier absorption without creating gas. As a treatment for motion sickness, powdered ginger wards off the nauseous feeling some people experience when traveling by car, airplane or boat. Ginger also has long been used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu.

China and most other Asian countries use fresh ginger, often with garlic. Ginger has numerous uses in sweet and savory cooking. It is an essential ingredient of curry powder and other spice blends, and is found in gingerbread, biscuits, cakes, puddings, pickles, and many Asian vegetable dishes.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Are Navel Oranges Perfect Fruits?

Some consider navel oranges to be the perfect fruit. The softball-size citrus is widely available, easy to eat and store, and when ripe has an almost candy-like sweetness. These oranges are cultivated primarily in Brazil, California, Arizona, and Florida, and they are among the most common and popular of orange varieties.

Initially, American navel oranges were cultivated by Eliza Tibbets in Riverside, where they took remarkably well to the mild California climate. Some say the fruit originated from a mutation that occurred in the Mediterranean, while others credit a mutant plant in China. Regardless, the first documented appearance was in Brazil and in 1873, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) obtained clippings from the South American country. Most trees grown today are ancestors of the original Tibbets trees.

Appearance & Flesh
A navel orange is a special type of orange which has a little surprise inside once it is peeled: a partially formed undeveloped fruit like a conjoined twin, located at the blossom end of the fruit. From the outside, the blossom end is reminiscent of a human navel, leading to the common name of “this fruit”. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and naturally very juicy. A rare varietal called the Cara Cara orange has a faint hint of strawberries, and flesh which is reddish pink, rather than more classically orange.

Navel oranges have several advantages over other orange varieties. Most notably, they contain either no seeds or very few seeds. Because its season runs November through January in California, it  makes a popular holiday gift. Most products have a low acid content and a very sweet flavor. They have an unusually thick, pitted skin that is easy to peel. The thick skin also protects the delicate interior segments from bruising. Once peeled, its segments are larger and easier to divide than other types of sweet oranges.

Because the navel orange is seedless, it can only be propagated through cuttings. Orange farmers take cuttings from their navel orange trees and graft them onto fresh stock periodically to ensure that their orchards stay healthy, and also for the purpose of expansion. Technically, every fruit comes from the same orange tree; the Brazilian orange which generated a spontaneous mutation hundreds of years ago.

Many nurseries sell navel orange trees for this purpose, along with a variety of other citrus fruits, if you want to create a small citrus garden. In addition to yielding edible fruit, many citrus trees also have very aromatic flowers, making them a pleasant addition to the garden.

Making Your Own Tomato Paste

Tomato paste, also referred to as tomato concentrate, is produced by cooking tomatoes for a long period of time with minimal liquid in order to produce a thick paste when strained. Properly stocking a kitchen pantry requires a basic inventory of items. It can be used in many recipes that require the flavoring, as a substitute for the sauce, or in recipes that specifically call for it. Retailers sell it primarily in cans, but it is also available in tubes.

The tomatoes should be peeled and the seeds removed. After they are ripened, the skin and seeds are removed. The vegetable and salt are then added to a pot and cooked for one hour. The mixture is then put through a sieve or processed through a food mill or food processor. The mixture is returned to the pot and cooked until it reaches the desired thickness. A sauce is made from the vegetable, and then the sauce is dried to remove some of the moisture, condensing the liquid and transforming it into a thicker and heavier paste.

Some varieties of tomatoes are meatier and less juicy than other types, and are better suited to make the paste. Because it is made by condensing the tomatoes several times during the process, one recipe begins with 4 dozen large products but produces less than 5 pints of  its paste. If using juicy tpeoducts, it will require more of this vegetable to make the paste.

Although it originated in Italy, tomato paste is a popular food ingredient all over the world. For example, in some Eastern countries, it’s sometimes added to curry or stew to flavor meats, and it is then eaten with rice. In Western countries, it is most commonly used to make ketchup and tomato sauce.

Used often as a base for making tomato juice, ketchup and as an ingredient for some recipes and sauces, such as spaghetti sauce, canned tomato paste can be purchased in squeeze tubes and in small cans. It can also be diluted with water and substituted for tomato sauce in recipes that call for tomato sauce.

Making homemade tomato paste by yourself is easy to do, and it is often preferred in taste and thickness to store bought. The ingredients are tomatoes of any variety, although ripe and seedless tomatoes often work the best, and salt to season to taste. Some cooks like to add sugar, but that is not necessary.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Cassava Starch In Paper & Textile Industry

Cassava is a food crop that’s also used in industry. It extracted from cassava finds wide use in food products as well as in textiles, plywood, alcohol and glue. The characteristics of this crop make it suitable for such uses. It is mainly produced in Nigeria, Brazil and Indonesia.

Cassava starch is known for its high starch content of as much as 80 percent. The starch contains smaller amounts of protein, minerals, dietary fiber and fats. It is characterized by a high moisture content of as much as 16 percent, depending on how it is processed and stored, compared with up to 12 percent of moisture content for starch from other sources.

The cassava starch is also known for its viscosity, which means it tends to be resistant to flow. This makes it suitable for industrial applications that call for a thick paste. It converts to a gelatinous state relatively fast when you cook it with water, and it remains relatively fluid after cooling. This characteristic makes it attractive for food processing uses. The solution tends to be stable and does not degenerate, as corn and potato-based starches tend to do.

In Paper Industry
The substance has very good properties that are highly desirable for the paper manufacturer. Cassava starch, as a dominant source of starch in Nigeria, possesses a strong film, clear paste, good water holding properties, and stable viscosity. The paper industry uses various types of starches at different stages of the manufacturing process for different purposes. Currently, the most common starches used for paper manufacture are from maize, potato, and cassava. It should be the most suitable material for the paper industry in West Africa.

In Textile Industry
Properties of cassava starch used are abrasion resistance, flexibility, ability to form a bond to the fiber,to penetrate the fiber bundle to some extent and to have enough water holding capacity so that the fiber itself does not rob the size of its hydration. Finishing is an inclusive term,meaning the transformation of grey goods from the loom to a finished product that is attractive to the consuming public. It includes the process of covering blemishes or defects that may be in the yarn.

In the textile industry, starch is used in three main areas: sizing, finishing and printing. Approximately 80% of the starch used in textiles is used in sizing where individual fibers of yarn must be shaped or formed into a warp that passes through a sizing solution that coats the surface of the twisted warp.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.

Kidney Beans For Health

The kidney bean, also known as the chili bean, is a fundamental part of the daily diet in many regions of the world. True to their name, these popular beans are kidney shaped and are especially good in simmered dishes where they absorb the flavors of seasonings and the other foods with which they are cooked.  Available year round, they are an affordable, healthy source of fiber, protein and iron.

From there they progressed to the tables of Europe, where they became established as a dinner staple by the end of the 16th century. Taken by traders into Central America, kidney beans eventually made their way onto the ships of Spanish explorers. These explorers were also responsible for introducing beans to Asia and Africa where they are now a popular part of many traditional dishes.

The kidney bean looks like a miniature kidney. The maroon color and characteristic shape are unaffected by most cooking procedures and the fibrous nature of the bean allows it to absorb the flavors around it. These qualities make them a favorite addition to many soups and stews.

Check a chart of the fiber content in foods and you’ll see legumes leading the pack. This crop, like other beans, are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. A cup of cooked kidney beans provides 45.3% of the recommended daily intake for fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract that binds with bile (which contains cholesterol)and ferries it out of the body.

In addition to its beneficial effects on the digestive system and the heart, soluble fiber helps stabilize blood sugar levels. If you have insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or diabetes, kidney beans can really help you balance blood sugar levels while providing steady, slow-burning energy. Studies of high fiber diets and blood sugar levels have shown the dramatic benefits provided by these high fiber foods.

In addition to providing slow burning complex carbohydrates, they can increase your energy by helping to replenish your iron stores. Particularly for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency, boosting iron stores with black kidney beans are a good idea–especially because, unlike red meat, another source of iron, the crop are low in calories and virtually fat-free.

Serve them hot with cornbread for a hearty winter snack, or offer them as a healthy side to any traditional main dish. They are a colorful addition to bean salad or can be the main protein source in taco salad. Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of ground meat in most Mexican recipes, including enchiladas, chili, burritos or tacos.

Lily is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the food industry. is just a place for you to look for any delicious foods! Our provide E-commerce business directory for importing & exporting of global food products, especially Chinese food products.